Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013

12 In Stoff hinein wie Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis oder Sergej Jensen

"Deshalb ist die Horizontale auch eine Lage der Solidarität"

Aus Franz Xaver Bayer, Der Raum, 2000

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Ellsworth Kelly, Red Yellow Blue White, 1952

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Blinky Palermo

The “Fabric Paintings” read as simultaneously mildly satiric — send-ups of Brice Marden’s exquisitely wrought monochrome panel paintings — and optically engaging in their own right, with their subtle color juxtapositions and physical modesty.

a glowing optical unit that is recognizably a painting but that does not disguise the everyday quality of its origins.

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Morris Louis

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Helen Frankenthaler, Mountains and Sea, 1952

“There are no rules. Let the picture lead you where it must go.”

“… looking to many people like a large paint rag, casually accidental and incomplete.” so beschreibt Helen Frankenthaler eine scheinbar unfertig wirkende Malerei, die heute in der National Gallery of Art in Washington ausgestellt ist.

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